Wednesday, January 11, 2012


To me one of the most amazing things about plants is their economy of form. There are so many ways to look at this, from the spare shape of a leaf to the bundling together of flowers in the head of a daisy.
Leaf fascicles
The evolutionary process honed plant form for maximal performance in a challenging world. Reproduction had to be accomplished though plants couldn't seek a mate like animals. The combined constraints of light, water, and wind literally streamlined plants as they rocketed through millions of years of Earth history.
We see the results of water conservation when we look at exotic plants like succulents…
…but common plant forms also address the challenges of life in a harsh climate.
Angiosperm venation
Whole volumes could be written about plant anatomy and wind. All grasses are wind pollinated. Their tiny flowers catch every breath of wind. Did you know that most of our city trees are also built to catch a breeze?
Wind pollination
I’d be very interested to hear from you which plant adaptations you’ve noticed. Can you tell which ones are a response to water? Sunlight? Wind?

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